13 June

Hey! I was back at school today doing ‘futures week’ so looking at university stuff. It was ok I knew most of the stuff they said but it was nice seeing everyone again as we’ve all been away doing work experience and stuff like that. My good thing today would be hanging out with a girl in my year called Lina. She’s really nice and it was fun chatting with her.

I’ve also been had a look at writing short stories today I kind of want to write an anthology of short stories. I don’t think I’ll ever manage to like publish them but it feels like it could be fun. Also I would like to write short stories for people learning english. That way I’m combining my love of language learning and writing. I know my blog isn’t written the most artistically but I can write fairly well. Who knows maybe I’ll do a few blog post that’s a fiction short story. Comment below if you would be interested in that. I have no idea how I would even start with a short story anthology. I guess I would figure out themes that’s the good think about anthologies. I could look at lots of themes that are semi connected. I would probably have each story looking at a theme with all the themes being connected. Who knows maybe years down the line I’ll be announcing a book deal I some how got.

Current read: El túnel, I’ll never see the world again

Wishing you the best of times onwards and upwards,


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